Salesforce Certifications & Exams
We often talk about Salesforce products and the Salesforce ecosystem in our podcasts but what are Salesforce certification and exams?
In this week’s podcast, three Telcowinners share their experience with taking Salesforce exams for certifications in different fields. Quoting Fahmin, who has multiple certificates under his belt, the Salesforce exam allows one to become an excellent asset in a company while also building confidence in a person when handling different projects with various customers.
According to Anna, there are many branches in the Salesforce certification. One may choose their topic based on their own preference and use Trailhead as a way to study and prepare for the exam.
Each topic has a number of levels, starting with admin. Once you have received your admin certification, you may continue to the next level. The entire system is structured so the exam taker can plan their future and determine where they want their careers to go.
Telcowin’s first time exam taker, Ratih goes into detail on her preparation and the nervousness she experienced on exam day.
Tune in to this week’s podcast to find out more about Salesforce certificates and how you may acquire one or more yourself. Telcowin Tech Talk comes with a new episode every Monday morning at