Financial Service Cloud

Telcowin Tech Talk was told that our Business Analyst, Farah is the best person to speak to about the Financial Service Cloud as her biggest project so far has been in connection with financial services. Additionally, Farah has just recently been double certified by Salesforce for the Financial Service Cloud – not an easy feat by any measure. The decision to get certified was in order to lend more support to the financial services project.

So we asked Farah, what role does the Financial Service Cloud play in the financial service industry. To begin with, Farah says many people think the Financial Service Cloud is an add on but it actually doesn’t stray too far from the original Salesforce Service Cloud module. It’s basically an additional layer with customised objects for a better fit for the financial industry. 

FSC gives you a proper profile of your client’s wealth ecosystem so service agents are able to serve their customers better. From how much money the client has to if they are close to retirement age and if they have children looking to enrol in college in the near future. This ensures targeted marketing and offering the correct financial products to the right customers at the right time.

Gone are the days where financial organisations end up wasting resources on numerous marketing gimmicks. This results in more loyal customers in the long run. 

Tune in to this week’s episode of Telcowin Tech Talk and learn about intelligence needs-based referrals and scoring and listen in to Farah share a use case on the Financial Service Cloud. Click on to listen to all episodes of Telcowin Tech Talk, updated every Monday morning. 

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